Analyze A/B Test Results
E-commerce website


Should we choose the new page or the old page for our E-commerce website?

A/B tests are very commonly performed by data analysts and data scientists. For this project, we will be working to understand the results of an A/B test run by an e-commerce website. Our goal is to work through this notebook to help a company understand if they should:

- Implement the new webpage,

- Keep the old webpage, or

- Perhaps run the experiment longer to make their decision.

Dataset Overview

The dataset is composed of 294,478 entries containing different information like user id, the time user visited the website, the user group, landing page, and whether if they converted or not.

Dataset summary statistics and proportions

In [19]:
print("Number of visitors in control group: ",df2.query('group=="control"').shape[0])
print("Number of visitors in Treatment group: ",df2.query('group=="treatment"').shape[0])
Number of visitors in control group:  145274
Number of visitors in Treatment group:  145310

What is probability of conversion regardless of the group?

In [20]:

Given that an individual was in the control group, what is the probability they converted?

In [21]:

Given that an individual was in the treatment group, what is the probability they converted?

In [22]:

What is the observed difference between the new_page conversions and old_page conversions in our sample dataset?

In [23]:
# Calculate the actual difference (obs_diff) between the conversion rates for the two groups.
obs_diff=treatment_cr - control_cr

Do the treatment group users lead to more conversions?

According to bayes theorem:

If we want to get whether the new new_page leads to more conversion rate or not, then we need to find the proportion of the treatment group in the conversion pool, in other words we need to calculate $P (treatment | converted) $

$$ P (treatment | converted) = \frac{P(treatment)P(converted | treatment )}{P(converted)} $$

$$ P (control | converted) = \frac{P(control)P(converted | control )}{P(converted)} $$

And so the $P (treatment | converted) $ is:

In [26]:
P_treatmeant_conv=p_treatment * treatment_cr / p_conv

And the $P (control | converted) $ is:

In [27]:
P_control_conv=p_control * control_cr / p_conv

It looks like the old_page leads to slightly more conversion than the new_page, however they are almost the same, In the next section we will attempt to calculate how significant is this observation from our sample and try to infer that to the actual population (All the website users)

A/B Test

Null Hypothesis $H_0$ Testing

Since the difference between the two conversion rates is very small. Lets assume that our null hypothesis $H_0$ that the new_page conversion rate $p_{new}$ is the same or lower than conversion rate of old_page $p_{old}$ until the oppoiste proves to be true. And so, our assumption is:

$$H_0: p_{new} \leq p_{old} $$$$H_1: p_{new} > p_{old} $$

Which translates into:

$$ H_0: p_{new} - p_{old} \leq 0 $$$$ H_1: p_{new}-p_{old} > 0 $$


In [60]:
plt.title(r'Null distripution $ H_0: p_{new} - p_{old} \leq 0 $',fontsize=15);
In [61]:
plt.title(r'Null distripution with significance level $\alpha$ of 5% (right tail test)',fontsize=15);
plt.legend(labels=[r'$\alpha$ of 5%']);
In [63]:
plt.title('Observed difference @ {} under the null hypothesis'.format(obs),fontsize=15)
plt.legend(labels=['observed difference',r'$\alpha$ of 5%'],loc='upper right');
In [64]:
null['p-value']=null['differences'].apply(lambda x: 1 if ((x > obs_diff)) else 0)
strin = 'The probability of observing a difference of {}\n or more extreme cases under the null hypothesis'.format(obs)
strin = strin + r" $ H_0: p_{new} - p_{old} \leq 0 $"
plt.legend(labels=[r'$\alpha$ of 5%',"p-value = {:.1%}".format(null['p-value'].mean())],loc='upper right');

And so our calculated p-value is

In [65]:

A p-value of 90.02% is way too large to say that our observed difference of conversions came from the realm of chance, since our significance level $\alpha$ is 5%, and our p-value is large than $\alpha$, therefore our conclusion is:

- We fail to find enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis that we've assumed previously to be true stating that

- The conversion rate of the new_page is the same or lower than the conversion rate of the old_page $ H_0: p_{new} \leq p_{old} $

So now we know for a fact that we can't favour the alternate hypothesis $ H_1: p_{new} > p_{old} $ over our null hypothesis $H_0: p_{new} \leq p_{old} $, we still have two question in mind.

- Is the conversion rate for both pages is the same $ p_{new} = p_{old}$ ?

- or is the conversion rate for the new_page lower than the old_page $ p_{new} < p_{old}$?

I'll be using built-in method to conduct a two-sided test, where our null hypothesis $H_0: p_{new} = p_{old} $ and our alternate is $H_1: p_{new} \neq p_{old} $

However, $H_1: p_{new} \neq p_{old} $ can be translated into:

$$ p_{new} > p_{old} $$


$$ p_{new} < p_{old} $$

But we previously know from the right-tailed test that:

$$p_{new} \leq p_{old} $$

And this makes our current alternate hypothesis for the two-sided test should we reject the null:

$$ H_1: p_{new} < p_{old} $$

So our calculated p-value for the two-sided test and it was 18.99% which is greater than our signiface level $\alpha$ of 5%, concluding that:

- We fail to find enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis that we've assumed previously to be true stating that

- The conversion rate of the new_page is the same as the conversion rate of the old_page $ H_0: p_{new} = p_{old} $


- We fail to reject the null hypothesis $H_0: p_{new} = p_{old} $, there is no difference between old page and new page in terms of conversion.

- We should stick with the old_page,since we have no evidence for novelity effect or change aversion.